How to Become Great in 7 Days

Doing things we see as immoral is less about God or others, as it is about our relationship with ourselves.

You can come at this from two angles, what you ought to do and what you ought not to do.

I recently read that great men simply do as they planned. I agree.

By doing as you planned, you create a trust with yourself, you believe that whatever it is that you set out to do, you’ll do it.

This has to be for both the macro, but more importantly for the micro.

Even the little tasks like shovelling snow or getting a workout in have to be done. When we don’t do them, we lose faith in ourselves, over time, we don’t believe we can do anything…

That’s a horrible thing!

But we’ve proven to ourselves that this is true. You likely are unaware that this is going on, but it is.

It creates a shameful existence when, deep down, you’re ashamed of who you are because you’re constantly doing the things that hold you back and not doing the things that lift you up.

Here’s one thing that’s completely true:

You can become whoever you want to be in life, and every one of us has the power to change, to turn on a dime with something as simple as a choice.

If you want to be successful, great, admired, 2021 is the year that this happens.

So, let’s get this transformation from who you are now (which is mediocre in comparison to who you can be, true for all of us) to who you can potentially become with a 7-day Challenge…

The challenge is simple, and it’s designed to prove to you that you can be whoever it is you want to become…

You can be ‘that guy’ that you wish you were right now.

Whether we’re talking about physique, health, wealth, work, achievement, even that guy who’s just a little more adventurous, more energetic, more alive.

I’m doing this challenge right now, and it involves only two things:

1. Do what you set out to do.
2. Don’t do what you set out not to do.

Prove to yourself that you can do this over a 7 day period starting today. That’s it, just 7 days of being at your best.

Apply this to every category of your life. Anything you set out to do whether it’s a list of tasks with work, time spent with family, books read or time spent reading, write it down NOW, and spend your week checking things off.

If can be daily habits that you want to develop.

Read 30 minutes a day? Workout daily? Whatever…

But it also applies to those things that you don’t want to do.

These are things that you’d be better off not doing, things that hold you back, make you just a little more mediocre than you should be…

Is drinking holding you back? Maybe it’s diet or porn or sleeping in or missing workouts or, maybe it’s negative thinking?

Write these down. Don’t do them.

Spend a single day not doing the things that hold you back, then another, then another.

You’ll have more energy, more confidence, more power.

The snowball effect, the momentum of self-improvement starts off slow, but by day 7 you’ll notice an improvement both in how you see yourself and how others see you.

So get started, and let me know how it goes.

Get after it.

Be Legendary,
Chad Howse